Welcome to Project ARTiculate: Visual Art Lessons for K-8 Educators!
Art FormsSubjects / Standards |
This website provides art lesson plans for teachers. All lessons have been developed and time-tested by the specialists at the Art Center in the Fairbanks, Alaska public schools. Although developed for a specific grade, all lessons are easily adaptable to others levels. Many of the lessons developed for 4th and up are easily relevant for middle school art students. Please keep in mind that these lesson plans are designed to be taught with an ‘Art Kit’ and may not be easily usable without the visuals in the kit. The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District (FNSBSD) and the Alaska Arts Education Consortium (AAEC) are partners in this grant–supported effort to expand the role of art education in Alaska. Project ARTiculate is funded by a 3–year U.S. Department of Education Development and Dissemination Grant from the Office of Innovation and Improvement. Training is available for teachers. Visit the Alaska Arts Education Consortium’s Arts Education Institutes page for more information. |